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Mentally Fit Staff  Creating 'mentally healthy schools' for all 

'Keeping your mentals healthy'

Our bespoke training programmes support staff in keeping their own mental health in check.

Supporting the mental health of children and young people is emotionally challenging and demanding.

We provide bespoke training and support which will develop the mental fitness of your staff. Our training will teach staff techniques to build their own resilience and the resilience of others.

Learning strategies to take charge of their own mental wellbeing, the training allows them to develop positive mindsets and a general mental robustness. 

We also offer Support Services in the form of our

Reflective Practice Groups 

which last 6 weeks and can be tailored to suit your working environment.


Our Training Menu allows you to build a programme suited to you- choose from one or more of our key topics to create a bespoke training solution for your team.

Duration: 1 hour per topic 
Cost: £150 per session
Unlimited Participants


Building  Psychological Resilience 

Learn what it takes to build resilience and positive mental wellbeing.


Stronger Through Adversity 

Learn to assess your resilience and create a personalised plan of action 

Communication & Relationships

Mapping out our relationships-Exploring what makes a good relationship. Learn about different communication styles, the benefits of assertiveness and how we can practice becoming more assertive



What keeps it going and what can you do about it. Anxiety; changing behaviour how to take small steps to change avoidance behaviour and address anxiety.

Mental Wellbeing

Work through the various dimensions of mental wellbeing including; Learning about social support, Physical Health, Coping skills, Self-Esteem, and Healthy thinking


Email, call or message us to book or discuss your requirements

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